Wedding Vow Renewal Ceremonies

Renewal of wedding vows with a bouquet of flowers

Today in the twenty-first century, we too can continue to express, once again and in a special way, the love we feel for each other that unites us for life, without needing to engrave it on stone, but with a wedding vow renewal ceremony that is personalized and unique in every way.

“Now and forever, with virtue and for eternity”: this formula is imprinted all over the walls of the golden room in the Torrechiara castle, located near the city of Parma. The mercenary captain Pier Maria Rossi had it done as a dedication to his beloved Bianca Pellegrini, the love of his life, in the room which served as their bedroom.
It was the year 1462.
And today this love story still resonates in such a powerful and romantic way in our hearts that I chose the Torrechiara castle as the setting for my novel “L’archivista di Torrechiara”

Celebrant's station, renewal of wedding vows
Invitation to the Vow Renewal Ceremony

Renewing your vows is, indeed, a romantic and meaningful way to affirm the promises you made when you wed. 
The wedding vow renewal ceremony can take place on an anniversary (10, 25 or 50 years of marriage) or after a difficult period, when a couple wishes to renew their reciprocal commitment by organizing a symbolic wedding with the people closest to them.

A wedding vow renewal ceremony can also be the ideal opportunity to celebrate your union in the way you’ve always wanted but weren’t able to do the first time – due to economic, logistical or health issues. This becomes a precious occasion to organize an event in a place you hold dear, in an ideal way, and with the people who you truly care about.

vow renewals, Nadia and Damiano
Couple renew their vow and promises

It brings enormous joy to be able to remember that the love you feel for your partner has remained unchanged, and that it actually has become stronger and more lasting with the passing of time.

My task as a celebrant will be to help you find the right words to renew your wedding vows; together we will give new life and strength to the most beautiful expression:

«I love you, now and forever. Now and forever».

And we will do it in a unique and memorable way, just like the love and story you share. Because you deserve it.

Renewal of promises - Paola Minussi
Nunc et Semper
Digne ed in aeternum.

Pier Maria Rossi