Civil Union Ceremonies

“A civil union is defined as any form of cohabitation of a couple, based on emotional and economic bonds, which the law recognizes through a specific legal institution with a specific legal status which is similar, in many respects, to that conferred by marriage. In Italy, the legal institution of the civil union is regulated by the so-called Cirinnà Law” [Wikipedia]
In the Italian legal system, the civil union is a legal institution under public law, analogous to marriage, involving the legal recognition of the couple formed exclusively by persons of the same sex and aimed at establishing their mutual rights and duties.

This institution extends to same-sex couples almost all the rights and duties foreseen for marriage, thus affecting the person’s civil status. In fact, a civil union between two adults takes place in front of a civil registrar and in the presence of two witnesses, and is recorded in the civil status archive. The acts of the union, indicating personal data, property regime and residence are recorded in the civil status archive.
In order for your ceremony – crafted and celebrated by myself – to also have legal validity, it is necessary to submit an application to the municipality in which you want to marry in plenty of time, receive an approval and obtain what is known as a “proxy.”
Having obtained such a proxy, I will listen to your story, write the text of your ceremony and celebrate it wherever you wish, in the way and mood you have always dreamed of for this special day, with unique and important words, just as your love deserves.

Love is freedom,
it’s respect,
it’s a reciprocal belonging of souls.
Agostino Degas

Please don’t hesitate to contact me for a phone or video chat, with no obligation!